Saturday, January 28, 2012


here are some amazing things that have happened so far this year...

hubby has work out the wazoo!! so grateful!

caleb is going to be the worship leader for the student center at church!! he's just 16!!! way to go caleb!!

mikey is learning fractions and i don't have to teach him!! (b/c he has a computer program for that)

the boys (and all the co-op kids) got the opportunity to have a month of lessons on the bells for free!! thanks Ed!! they loved it!
winter camp was a HUGE success! and i only stressed out 1 time!!

being positive in 2012...

Monday, January 2, 2012

new years resolution

so yesterday, the first day of the new year, pastor mark was teaching at church. i just love him! he always makes me smile! his teaching was about the 5 things he would wish for us in 2012. great idea! to start off he asked us to turn to our neighbor (which was my hubby) and tell them one good thing that happened in 2011. do you know i couldn't think of ONE SINGLE THING??!!! but i could tell you 1,125,250,955 things that were not good. what in the heck is wrong with me!! on the way home i was thinking about it and came up with tons of AWESOME things that happened in 2011. i just am confused as to why none of them could come to me on the spur of the moment. and why only bad things popped into my head. so my resolution this year is to make sure i document all the great/awesome/fantastic things that happen this year, 2012. even if it's only fantastic to me. b/c really it's my blog and i make all the rules right! :)

so already in 2012 prayers are being answered. had some truly special people bless us at church yesterday. and not just with physical things. prayer are being lifted up for my husband and family. and we can tell! so thanks my wonderful friends!

and the first dinner of the new year, AMAZING! black eyed peas, ham and cornbread with some greens on the side. in the crockpot no less. so super easy, delicious dinner was a success! :)

and know what else is fantastic already!??!! i got up and took a walk this morning. yay me!

time for school. but here is something awesome that happened in 2011... a family Christmas picture!! never happened before. i'm blessed!