Monday, December 15, 2008

white trash again

everyone enjoyed this recipe so much last year, i'm posting it again.

this is one of my favorite holiday snacks. i love to make this to give as gifts to friends, teachers, mailmen (or women!), etc. my family LOVES this stuff and it's super easy to make. i'm going to post this in the style of my friend crystal.

first thing is to gather all of your ingredients together.
5 cups Cheerios (heaping cups!)
5 cups Rice Chex Cereal (heaping cups!)
10oz package mini pretzels
2 12oz packages white chocolate chips
1lb plain M&M’s
2 cups dry roasted peanuts (or cashews) if you like. i leave them out
2 Tbsp oil
(i use store brand whenever possible)
mix your dry ingredients together in a really, really big bowl. i have a 32 cup tupperware bowl that works just right.
pour the white chocolate chips and oil into a bowl. (i like a glass one) put it in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds, until melted. be very careful that the bowl and the spoon are dry. any water will cause your chocolate to seize-up and you will have to throw it away.
try to keep the kids from eating all the M&M's.
your chocolate should be shiny and smooth.
pour the chocolate over the dry ingredients and start stirring. this will be hard to do as there is so much stuff in the bowl. just keep on keeping on. you will break some of the pretzels and cereal but they are still good to eat that way! stir and stir and stir until it's all coated. then lay it out on wax paper to dry. (notice i ran out of wax paper and foil works fine too.)
this is what it looks like when it's done. be prepared to share this recipe with everyone you give some to!

White Trash

5 cups Cheerios
5 cups Rice Chex Cereal
10oz package mini pretzels
2 12oz packages white chocolate chips
1lb plain M&M’s
2 cups dry roasted peanuts (or cashews)
2 Tbsp oil


oyer said...

Thanks for sharing , this sounds like something even i can do ;o)

blog author said...

i made mine this weekend!

and Oyer, if you don't have an enormous bowl, get two big bowls and do it in batches. makes things easier and less messy.

Supercool Hotmama said...

Oh yum! I need to make some of that! Sorry I've been a lame blogfriend lately. I should be back to normal as soon as the kids go back to school :)

GustoBones said...

That looks so yummy!!!! My friend made something like this but put the peanuts in, and I am with you, I think I would leave them out!!!

Brianne said...

YUM-O!!! Holy deliciousness...