my mom FINALLY got a cat!! he is so sweet. she named him baby. he has a mustache so i think baby is appropriate don't you? (not!)
i made salad in a jar! this is before...
and this is after!!!
in preparing for our WDW trip in february, i pulled out an oldie but goodie. this is our 10th anniversary. and that is caleb not mikey. he's 5
he hates to have his picture taken anymore. poop
why do they have to grow up???
mikey's tower of legos. he has been building this for months. it's never going to be finished as far as i can see. notice the nice housekeeping in the clothes drawer.
co-op started this week and this is composer study. this month the kids are listening to the music of john williams. can you tell what he has written music for???
denver and nick came to spend the day and i gave them a nature scavanger hunt to do. these are some of the the things they collected
went to my mom's to see her new cat and she pulled out some old albums. this on in particular tugged at my heart strings. notice it says kay rogers on it. in my dad's handwriting. ah memories!
the boys were invited to gabe's 7th birthday. mikey is "in training" to be a gymnast. (the olympics were on this week) he had a great time and we love to be able to really train in a gym.
nice balance mikey!
we got invited to ben's 1st birthday. i was in baby heaven!!!
there were babies EVERYWHERE!! and they don't make no ugly babies at next level church i tell ya!!!
i found this on my instagram and wanted it on my blog. it's well over a year old but i love it!!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
The Summer of 2012
so i made it the whole summer without blogging. sad i know. and even as i'm typing this i'm noticing blogger has changed the whole blog layout. i'm lost. more than usual!
this summer has been very quiet for us. caleb did get invited to go to the beach with his friend caden and then to charleston with konner but that's it for vacations. we are saving for a big trip to disney world in february and decided to stay home this summer to save for it. plus michael has had a HUGE kitchen remodel and he's been working his butt off all summer! (thank you Jesus!!) so we have done a whole lot of nothing. lots of video games. lots of reading. a monopoly marathon (which mikey beat the pants off caleb and i) and lots of dr. who for the boys. they are obsessed. i don't watch it so i have no idea why. we have spent time with friends and that's always awesome! hope and nick live around the corner and they have a pool and love to have mikey come swimming. he's gotten so good!! proud of him for sure.
one thing that i have done this summer is totally immerse myself in the french revolution. i've always loved marie antionette and reading about her made me want to dig deeper into everything that happened around her. her innocence and the opulence just intrigues me. thank goodness for the library! some of the books i have read this summer about her are...
Marie Antoinette: The Journey
Becoming Marie Antoinette: A Novel
Days of Splendor, Days of Sorrow: A Novel of Marie Antoinette
Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution
Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution
Versailles: A Biography of a Palace
Marie-Therese: The Fate of Marie Antoinette's Daughter
When the King Took Flight
Madame de Pompadour
Farewell, My Queen: A Novel
Memoirs of Madame de La Tour du Pin
and these all stem from reading
The Many Lives & Secret Sorrows of Josephine B
and the 2 that follow. all about josephine bonaparte
i also have
Far from the Madding Crowd and
The Scarlet Pimpernel to read.
i'm sure i'll find more!
and caleb gets to read tale of two cities for school this year and i'm going to read it with him. i've never been a big non-fiction reader but i'm just loving this era.
this summer has been very quiet for us. caleb did get invited to go to the beach with his friend caden and then to charleston with konner but that's it for vacations. we are saving for a big trip to disney world in february and decided to stay home this summer to save for it. plus michael has had a HUGE kitchen remodel and he's been working his butt off all summer! (thank you Jesus!!) so we have done a whole lot of nothing. lots of video games. lots of reading. a monopoly marathon (which mikey beat the pants off caleb and i) and lots of dr. who for the boys. they are obsessed. i don't watch it so i have no idea why. we have spent time with friends and that's always awesome! hope and nick live around the corner and they have a pool and love to have mikey come swimming. he's gotten so good!! proud of him for sure.
one thing that i have done this summer is totally immerse myself in the french revolution. i've always loved marie antionette and reading about her made me want to dig deeper into everything that happened around her. her innocence and the opulence just intrigues me. thank goodness for the library! some of the books i have read this summer about her are...
Marie Antoinette: The Journey
Becoming Marie Antoinette: A Novel
Days of Splendor, Days of Sorrow: A Novel of Marie Antoinette
Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution
Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution
Versailles: A Biography of a Palace
Marie-Therese: The Fate of Marie Antoinette's Daughter
When the King Took Flight
Madame de Pompadour
Farewell, My Queen: A Novel
Memoirs of Madame de La Tour du Pin
and these all stem from reading
The Many Lives & Secret Sorrows of Josephine B
and the 2 that follow. all about josephine bonaparte
i also have
Far from the Madding Crowd and
The Scarlet Pimpernel to read.
i'm sure i'll find more!
and caleb gets to read tale of two cities for school this year and i'm going to read it with him. i've never been a big non-fiction reader but i'm just loving this era.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
i ♥ peanut butter
i pretty much think peanut butter is the world's most perfect food. it's creamy. it's kinda sweet. you can it plain or with a huge variety of other foods. it can be eaten at every single meal of the day. what other foods can do that??
so last night we had peanut butter pasta. if you know me at all, i do not like pasta. i think we were feed to much as kids. but this is one way i will eat it. i started with nigella's recipe and tweaked it to fit our real food challenge.
1 lb whole wheat pasta
1 cup natural peanut butter (only nuts in ingredients)
1/2 cup soy sauce (no sugar)
1/4 to 1/2 cup sesame oil (i used 1/2 cup b/c i love it!)
3 finely chopped scallions
3 cloves smashed and finely chopped garlic (i used 5 b/c i love garlic too)
1 tbsp sriracha ( i would have used more but mikey doesn't like it spicy)
juice of 1 lime
2 cups snow peas
1/4 toasted sesame seeds
cook pasta according to package directions. in the last 2 minutes, add the snow peas. while cooking mix together all other ingredients adjusting to your taste. drain the pasta and peas. put them back in the pot and toss with peanut butter mixture. it's best to do it while the pasta is still warm so it melts nicely together. serve and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. yummmmm!!!

i love this with asparagus instead of snowpeas but that's what i had on hand. feel free to add chicken or shrimp. more veggies like red peppers would be great too!
so last night we had peanut butter pasta. if you know me at all, i do not like pasta. i think we were feed to much as kids. but this is one way i will eat it. i started with nigella's recipe and tweaked it to fit our real food challenge.
1 lb whole wheat pasta
1 cup natural peanut butter (only nuts in ingredients)
1/2 cup soy sauce (no sugar)
1/4 to 1/2 cup sesame oil (i used 1/2 cup b/c i love it!)
3 finely chopped scallions
3 cloves smashed and finely chopped garlic (i used 5 b/c i love garlic too)
1 tbsp sriracha ( i would have used more but mikey doesn't like it spicy)
juice of 1 lime
2 cups snow peas
1/4 toasted sesame seeds
cook pasta according to package directions. in the last 2 minutes, add the snow peas. while cooking mix together all other ingredients adjusting to your taste. drain the pasta and peas. put them back in the pot and toss with peanut butter mixture. it's best to do it while the pasta is still warm so it melts nicely together. serve and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. yummmmm!!!

i love this with asparagus instead of snowpeas but that's what i had on hand. feel free to add chicken or shrimp. more veggies like red peppers would be great too!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
just call me chef
i love love love how i feel eating real food!! however i'm getting a little sick and tired of my kitchen. i really need to plan on doubling everything so i don't have to bake/cook/prep every single day. that being said, everyone is doing great. but b/c i have been cooking so much i don't have time to blog it all. i have taken some pix. which my kids think is so weird. i hand them their plate then say WAIT! i have to get a picture.
here are some things we have made/eaten this weekend
homemade whole wheat tortillas

so good!! we put cream cheese and smoked salmon on them for lunch! excellent! and oh so filling!
some homemade granola

yummy smoothie!! this one had almond milk, pumpkin, flax, cocoa powder, spinach, cherries and peanut butter. mmmm....
last night i made a cobb salad. oh yeah! and the dressing was AMAZING!! i will be making that for all of my salads! (and maybe just to drink!)

(mikey's cobb salad deconstructed)

and tonight we had tacos!!! (on home made tortillas!)

as we speak i have some zucchini,carrot, banana muffins in the oven. phew! i'm pooped!
here are some things we have made/eaten this weekend
homemade whole wheat tortillas

so good!! we put cream cheese and smoked salmon on them for lunch! excellent! and oh so filling!
some homemade granola

yummy smoothie!! this one had almond milk, pumpkin, flax, cocoa powder, spinach, cherries and peanut butter. mmmm....

(mikey's cobb salad deconstructed)

and tonight we had tacos!!! (on home made tortillas!)

as we speak i have some zucchini,carrot, banana muffins in the oven. phew! i'm pooped!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
i just haunt this woman's page. 100 days of real food has become my new facebook! i love everything she posts! when we started our 10 day pledge i knew the hubby would need to have something sweet. so i found the recipe for lisa's powerballs. i wanted chocolate but knew mikey wouldn't eat them if there were nuts in them. so i combined her 2 recipes together.
3 cups rolled oats (organic if you can find them)
3/4 cup honey (raw)
3/4 cup almond butter
3 tablespoons dark cocoa powder
4 dates chopped
mix, roll into balls and devour!
3 cups rolled oats (organic if you can find them)
3/4 cup honey (raw)
3/4 cup almond butter
3 tablespoons dark cocoa powder
4 dates chopped
mix, roll into balls and devour!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
day 2
i have dishpan hands. all this cooking requires cleaning up. and i'm the one doing it. i need lotion
breakfast - home made granola! i tweaked the recipe from 100 days. i didn't add all the nuts or add coconut and not quite as much honey as she did. but boy it made the house smell great! i had a bowl for breakfast with some dates. mikey didn't care for it so after taking a few bites, i made him some toast. caleb and michael both loved it
lunch- nut butter and fruit sandwich for mikey and i. then we went to trader joe's to gather up the rest of our weeks food. i have no idea what the other's ate!
dinner - oh yum! red lentil and curry butternut squash stew.
i've made it before and just love it! even mikey will eat this. while this was stewing, i made a batch of zucchini muffins for mikey.
getting veggies in him anyway i can. stole another of lisa's recipes. no nuts b/c of mikey. sigh. anyway i made them and forgot the baking soda. so they are a little dense. but yummy! then i decided to pull out mom-in-law's bread maker and make a loaf of ww bread. starting to smell good in here. and if i hadn't done enough, i found this pin on my favorite place to waste time. hard boiled eggs in the oven!! supposed to take away that sulfury smell. mikey loves hb eggs so i know i can get him to eat these!
tomorrow is co-op so there will be temptations for the boys in the form of a vending machine! going to make them leave all their money at home! i have leftover stew and home made bread for lunch! can't wait!
breakfast - home made granola! i tweaked the recipe from 100 days. i didn't add all the nuts or add coconut and not quite as much honey as she did. but boy it made the house smell great! i had a bowl for breakfast with some dates. mikey didn't care for it so after taking a few bites, i made him some toast. caleb and michael both loved it
lunch- nut butter and fruit sandwich for mikey and i. then we went to trader joe's to gather up the rest of our weeks food. i have no idea what the other's ate!
dinner - oh yum! red lentil and curry butternut squash stew.

tomorrow is co-op so there will be temptations for the boys in the form of a vending machine! going to make them leave all their money at home! i have leftover stew and home made bread for lunch! can't wait!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
day 1
so even tho we haven't eaten dinner, i can say that today has been a success!! no processed foods have passed my lips or the lips of my boys! (unless michael snuck something while he was out!)
we never have bkft together b/c michael gets up so early and then mikey then me and finally caleb rolls out of bed. michael left without bkft b/c he was late. mikey was starving when i got up even tho i told him last night to eat an apple or banana till i got up. i hadn't made any cereal so he couldn't have that. i had a smoothie with almond milk, spinach, banana, frozen cherries, pumpkin, flax and a dash of cinnamon. oh and almond butter. it was yummy!
mikey had a nut butter and honey sandwich as he dashed off to art class. i made caleb eggs and toast.
b/c we all had such a late bkft we didn't really have a big lunch. i had 1/2 nut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple, mikey had some cheese and crackers, caleb had nothing and hubby finished up my smoothie and ate an apple.
in the mean time i decided i needed to purge foods from the shelves. i filled a huge bin with off limit foods and this is what is left...

then i put an approved chicken to roast in the oven. we will have it with organic sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts for the hubby, peas for the boys and asparagus for me! popcorn popped in coconut oil with grass fed butter for snacking if needed.
while i was waiting for the chicken to cook, i prepped the granola to bake for later so there will be cereal in the morning! and for dinner tomorrow we are having red lentil and butternut squash curry stew. it is SO FREAKIN' AMAZING!! but it requires some prep so i got the butternut squash chopped and ready to roast for tomorrow. my oven is going to be on till midnight!!
i will be heading out to the store for more food tomorrow. bananas, veggies, some local beef if i can find it. and maybe some clean snacks for my snacker mikey.
one day down and nine to go! :)
we never have bkft together b/c michael gets up so early and then mikey then me and finally caleb rolls out of bed. michael left without bkft b/c he was late. mikey was starving when i got up even tho i told him last night to eat an apple or banana till i got up. i hadn't made any cereal so he couldn't have that. i had a smoothie with almond milk, spinach, banana, frozen cherries, pumpkin, flax and a dash of cinnamon. oh and almond butter. it was yummy!

b/c we all had such a late bkft we didn't really have a big lunch. i had 1/2 nut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple, mikey had some cheese and crackers, caleb had nothing and hubby finished up my smoothie and ate an apple.
in the mean time i decided i needed to purge foods from the shelves. i filled a huge bin with off limit foods and this is what is left...

then i put an approved chicken to roast in the oven. we will have it with organic sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts for the hubby, peas for the boys and asparagus for me! popcorn popped in coconut oil with grass fed butter for snacking if needed.
while i was waiting for the chicken to cook, i prepped the granola to bake for later so there will be cereal in the morning! and for dinner tomorrow we are having red lentil and butternut squash curry stew. it is SO FREAKIN' AMAZING!! but it requires some prep so i got the butternut squash chopped and ready to roast for tomorrow. my oven is going to be on till midnight!!
i will be heading out to the store for more food tomorrow. bananas, veggies, some local beef if i can find it. and maybe some clean snacks for my snacker mikey.
one day down and nine to go! :)
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