Monday, March 12, 2012

10 days of real food

after a month of exhaustive research i'm putting my family to the test. tomorrow we start a 10 days of real food pledge. we eat too much crap. and it's making me sick (and tired). i stumbled across this recipe on pinterest and it linked to 100 days of real food. and i thought, if she could do it, so could we! weirdly enough she lives in matthews. which is like 10 minutes from me.

anywho. real food is described as true and actual; not artificial. we are packing up anything that has refined grains, such as white flour or white rice, refined sweeteners such as sugar, any form of corn syrup, cane juice or artificial stuff like Splenda. Nothing out of a box, can, bag, bottle or package that has more than 5 ingredients listed on the label. and there will be no deep friend food or fast foods. our pantry is going to be empty!

i'm prepped with local organic eggs, milk, butter, veggies and fruits. i'm going to make my own bread tomorrow and homemade granola for cereal. i will take pictures and post our meals.

hold on tight! it's gonna be a bumpy ride!!!

1 comment:

blog author said...

you're gonna do great!! it sounds like a really good idea, but I can see where the amount of time it takes to do would be the most daunting task. lots of planning ahead, which I'm not so great at when it comes to food. Good luck to you all!! Can't wait to see pics and recipes!!