Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

1. The things I give thanks for this Thanksgiving: my Savior! my husband who works sooo hard and loves me soo much. 2 beautiful, healthy, loving boys! great mom and great in-laws. my bff sister. angela, cathy, jennnifer and deborah! my home, my new car, our great dog zoe, our psycho cat cassidy, our health, DH's job, our church, my 2 bible studies, my gift of singing, my ability to learn new things, my new haircut!

2. My Thanksgiving traditions include:
after we put the pies in the oven (that big c makes!) we go for a walk.
watching the parade (usually by myself!)

3. The best part about Thanksgiving is: the enjoyment of the food and the family and sitting around after the food is gone and just talking

4. My favorite Thanksgiving food is: sweet potatoes

5. After the meal: we get lots of leftovers!!

6. To get ready I need to: make sure big c does not burn down the house while making his desserts!

1 comment:

blog author said...

i love that big C makes the desserts. Can i come over for leftovers?? :)